What is the Dragon Bakery?

The Dragon Bakery is an independent studio whose goal is to create collective storytelling experiences. We believe tabletop RPGs and other types of role playing games are some of the best one can learn, grow and widen their horizons. For now, our little team hails exclusively from France so we hope to inject some French flavor in all our projects!


Game Designer & Writer

Marc is a full-time sleeping groundhog during the day and a zombie killer during the night.

He likes to play stubborn adventurers with suboptimal characteristics. At the moment, he plays a half-orc paladin who met an untimely end facing a beholder. Thankfully (?) he got better and is now ready to face… Dragons. Lots of dragons apparently.

As a DM, his favorite monsters are Mimics, Gelatinous Cubes and anything with doppelganger abilities.


Writer & Map Illustrator

Anne-Gael (AG) is a level 3 bard who is currently changing from one archetype to another. In any case, she has a strong love of storytelling and finds that tabletop RPGs are one of its finest forms.

In the last 5 years, she’s run her fair share of one-shots and 3 separate campaigns. Her players have met dragons, beholders and archfey, and lived to tell the tale! As a player, her favorite class is rogue, with a side of multiclassing.

As a fan of Matt Mercer and Matt Colville, she is a strong believer in one of their common principles: the goal of a game is for everyone at the table to have fun together!


Webmaster & Play tester

Florent loves cats, games with cats, clothes with cats. Also cats.

He loves to play dwarves to have an excuse to style his beard at the table. He often is told that he is just as Lawful Good as the characters he plays and takes it as a compliment. And yes, he would definitely try to fill up that hole in the road and repair any damage caused in his adventures.

He currently runs several campaigns, the longest one being Tomb of Annihilation.